The maintenance of diesel engines using diesel oil is divided into three major blocks.
First of all, it is necessary to carefully check whether the sealing gaskets of the air leak cleaner have reverse installation, wrong installation and missing installation, and their tightness should be guaranteed.
Secondly, the lubricating oil filter should be maintained to prevent the filter element from being blocked. If you are not careful, the service life of the diesel engine will be reduced. One last thing to look out for is the fuel filter.
The fuel filter here refers to the fuel filter in the fuel supply system. During daily maintenance, special attention should be paid to timely cleaning, and timely cleaning of various parts and debris should be discharged in time.
All in all, the maintenance of diesel engine is the maintenance of air leak cleaner, lubricating oil filter and fuel filter. Only by strengthening the maintenance of these three components, giving full play to the interaction between them, and adding better quality diesel oil, diesel engine can play a better role in our daily life and work.
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Post time: Oct-14-2022